Opening of the ISLAMIC RELIGION ASSISTANCE 2019 (PAI) Accounting Department

February 18, 2019, oleh: superadmin
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Saturday (16/2), the accounting study program has opened the Islamic Religion Assistance Program (PAI 2019) with the theme “Establishing the Character of Islamic Accountants and Advancing Accountants” with presenters by Mahfud Khoirul Amin, S.IP who is also one of Unires advisers Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. This activity was attended by all Accounting students of the class of 2018 and some of the above generation students. Then this activity was opened with a speech delivered by Mr. Rizal Yaya as dean of  faculty of economics and business UMY.

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The purpose of this activity is to develop students’ Islamic attitudes and mindsets towards a clear understanding of Islam with the active patterns of student learning approaches, so that later it is hoped that Islamic values ​​will be increasingly embedded in the hearts of each student. And from this deep understanding will encourage students to practice Islamic values ​​in everyday life.

The event was also supported by 44 mentors who had undergone intensive material selection and debriefing from accounting study programs. It is also hoped that these mentors can be pioneers of a good example for other accounting students, besides that the task of the mentor is to provide material briefing to students for the next 2 months.