Accounting Study Alumni Family Provides Scholarship Assistance to Students

July 24, 2019, oleh: superadmin
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Along with the Plenary Meeting of the Accounting Study Program of UMY, on Thursday, July 18, 2019, the alumni family of the Accounting Study Program of UMY provided scholarship assistance to sister Veti Setianingsih. Sister Veti is a student of the Accounting Study Program of UMY batch 2018, Putri of Mr. Robi Winarno and Mrs. Wiji who reside in Gunung Kidul. Sister Veti is active in the activities of the Accounting Student Association (HIMA) and the Islamic Student Association (HMI). Until the second semester, Sister Vesti achieved a very satisfying Kummulative IP result. The event was attended by the Alumni family of the Accounting Study Program namely Mr. Alex Murtin (1992), Mr. Sigit Arie Wibowo (2005), Ms. Fitri Wahyuni ​​(2005), and Ms. Evy Rahman Utami (2005).