Establishing Good Communication Between Student Parents and Accounting Department

September 9, 2017, oleh: superadmin

Good traditions of Accounting Department establish communication with parents of students become routine agenda in the beginning of new intake year. Many parents of new accounting students are present in the “Fraternity of Accounting Study Program to Parents of New Accounting Student in academic year 2017/2018” at Twin Building, Building (E7) 5th Floor, on Saturday (19/8) after a meeting with the university.

This agenda was attended by Head of Accounting Departmen Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Dr. Ietje Nazaruddin, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA ccompanied by other lecturers. In her speech Dr. Ietje congratulated the parents whose sons and daughters were officially accepted to be accounting students of UMY. He conveyed the importance of continuous communication between parents and students and the Accounting Department so that all information received by parents is balanced and unilateral information and up to date. This is to control how the students develop

The same thing was also conveyed by the Director of International Program of Accounting, Peni Nugraheni, S.E., M.Sc., Ak., CA, who said that the parents of new students do not have to worry and doubt with the quality of Accounting Department UMY. Because Accounting of UMY is always in tune with its slogan “To Be An Excellent and Islamic Accountant” and has been accredited A for the past few years until now. Therefore, to give birth to a globally and competitive accountant in the era of Asean Economic Community, accounting courses offer international programs that support students to be competitive accountants.
Not only introducing accounting courses, she also exposes the opportunity of exchange student programs for accounting students as well as many achievements that have been achieved by accounting students, both national and international achievements.