Visiting USIM Malaysia to IPAcc UMY

October 24, 2017, oleh: superadmin

International Program of Accounting Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (IPAcc UMY) received a visit from the Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) on Tuesday (22/8) at the UMY Post-Graduate amphitheater room. During the visit, IPAcc and USIM discussed many things through various activities such as Public Lecture which was filled by speakers Rudy Suryanto, SE, M.Acc with the theme of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Forum Group Discussion (FGD), Monsoon Game and discussion on exchange students in accounting courses.

All series of activities started from 8:30 am to 16:00 pm and attended by head of accounting program, a few of lecturers and all students of IPAcc UMY and 27 students and 2 companion lecturers from USIM Malaysia. During the visit, all participants were very enthusiastic to establish cooperation and tighten the relationship between IPAcc UMY and Bachelor of Accounting USIM Malaysia

One of the lecturers from USIM dr. Nurhidayah Laila said these visitation is a program from USIM to introduce the outside culture to its students. “This is our program to introduce the culture that exists in other countries to the students. Thus, our students can know the beauty of life in the unity without warming each other and know the progress that is happening as well as learning new things in the Republic of Indonesia, especially on conventional and Islamic accounting. In addition visit to Indonesia, USIM also made visits to several other countries such as Thailand, Vietnam, Australia, and U.S. In addition, we also visited several industries in several countries,” she said.

She also explained the selection of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta as the purpose of USIM visit to Indonesia. According to her, between UMY and USIM are both studying about conventional and Islamic accounting and have been cooperating for a long time. This is evident from the various activities that have been implemented such as student exchanges that have been done so far. Nurhidayah also hopes that this event can further enhance cooperation with other majors other than accounting majors, so as to improve the quality of education, and the quality of students between the two universities in a direction that is much better and more sportsmanship.

Meanwhile, head of international accounting student community Zico Septian Arnar said that all participants are very enthusiastic to follow the series of events that have been scheduled. Zico also hopes that with this event the good relationship between the two courses can be more closely intertwined so as to foster a sense of brotherhood and kinship tied in the rope of unity between Indonesia and Malaysia. In addition, student exchange programs that are interwoven can be further increased and students who follow the program can get a double degree. After the visit of the USIM, IPAcc UMY also plans to hold a reply visit to USIM in 2018