Hafiez Sofyani, S.E., M.Sc Wins Award as Lecturer with FEB Achievement at UMY

September 25, 2019, oleh: superadmin
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After passing a series of selections, the lecturer and researcher from the Accounting Study Program, Hafiez Sofyani, S.E., M.Sc, was selected as an Outstanding Lecturer in the Faculty of Economics and Business, Muhammadiyah University, Yogyakarta, at the Plenary Meeting of the Faculty of Economics and Business UMY. His achievements were none other than his work so far in the fields of Tax Accounting, Sharia Accounting Public Institutions (LAZIS and Mosques) and Public Sector Accounting. Not only that, the results of his research have also been published, including Journal of Accounting and Investment, Journal of Accounting and Finance Review, Scientific Journal of Accounting and Business and others.

Hafiez Sofyani is now also the Chief Editor of the Journal of Accounting and Investment (Accredited Sinta 2) and also a reviewer in several accredited journals. To see the track record of Hafiez Sofyani, click here

For his achievements, the Faculty of Economics and Business hopes that by selecting these outstanding lecturers, they can continue to improve their enthusiasm for learning and continue to hone themselves to all lecturers in the Faculty of Economics and Business.